Does WaniKani Have a Skip or "I Don't Know" Button?

No, there is no way to skip a question on WaniKani.

Instead of skipping past a review that might be difficult to remember, we’d rather you spend a bit of extra time and try to answer the question. We know it can be frustrating, but did you know that the act of struggling to recall something can actually strengthen your memory?

When you’re struggling to recall something, your brain is going through all the items you’ve learned on WaniKani so far. When you finally attempt a guess, your brain updates cues to recall the information in the future, even if you don’t know the correct answer. Once you read the correct answer after making this effort, your brain will be able to process the correct information and reconsolidate it so it stays in your long-term memory. This means there’s a higher chance you’ll get the answer right next time you see the review.

If you don’t make any attempt to recall from your memory and just go straight to reading the answer, you’re likely to forget this information soon after as it may only stay in your short-term memory. This is all to say that even if you get the question wrong, it’s better to try than skipping it completely!