App Settings

WaniKani has a number of different settings related to audio, lessons, and reviews that you can change to suit your preference.

Audio Settings

Audio Settings

Choose between 5 vocabulary pronunciation audio preferences:

  • Masculine Only: Kenichi audio plays when it’s available. If Kenichi audio is unavailable, no audio plays.
  • Prefer Masculine: Kenichi audio plays when it’s available. If Kenichi audio is unavailable, another available audio type plays.
  • Feminine Only: Kyoko or Miyuki audio plays when one is available. If both are available, one plays at random. If Kyoko and Miyuki audio are both unavailable, no audio plays.
  • Prefer Feminine: Kyoko or Miyuki audio plays when one is available. If both are available, one plays at random. If Kyoko and Miyuki audio are both unavailable, Kenichi audio plays.
  • Random: Audio plays at random from the options available.


  • Turn on or off the autoplay option to hear audio during lessons
  • Turn on or off the autoplay option to hear audio during reviews
  • Turn on or off the autoplay option to hear audio in Extra Study

Lessons and Reviews Settings

Preferred Lesson Batch Size: The default number is 5 lessons (individual items) before a quiz. If you want to learn more or less radicals, kanji, or vocabulary before the quiz, you can adjust this anywhere from 3 to 10 lessons.

Maximum Recommended Daily Lessons: Set the maximum number of “Today’s Lessons” you will get per day. The maximum value is 100 and the minimum is 0.

SRS Update Indicator During Reviews: During the review session the SRS change indicator will appear for items completed.

Review Ordering: The default for this is “Shuffled”, which means that all reviews appear in random order. You can also choose “Lower levels first”, which is still random but prioritizes showing lower level subjects first.